Want to meet like minded women (and men) from tech and startups?
Then join us for the #Witas Berlin Meetup!
Get a free ticket from evenbrite and well to help us spread the news.
Whether you’re interested in discussing new opportunities in business, have a new project that you’d like to get feedback on, are looking for new opportunities in the industry, or are simply looking to meet people with similar interests as your own, you should come!
Even (or especially) if you are new to Berlin, this is a great opportunity to engage with the community, ask questions, find out what’s happening in the scene, and get to know others in similar fields.
Who can attend:
Not a women? Not a problem: We welcome men, they just have to be a +1 of a woman! The model of the Girl Geek Dinner (men as plus one) has been successfully tested all over the world and it ensures that there will be at least 50% women.
About our hosts:
hub:raum, the incubator of Deutsche Telekom, invests in early stage startups backs them with co-working-space, mentoring and helps them to find the right business partners within Deutsche Telekom.